Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Ms word shortcut keys


ctrl + c - To copy
ctrl + v -  To paste
ctrl + x -  To cut
ctrl + b - To bold the letter
ctrl + I - To italic the letter  
ctrl + u - To Underline the  letter
ctrl + z - To undo the  previous
action or command
ctrl + y - To redo the previous
action Or command
ctrl + shift + < - To decrease the font size in
one time
ctrl + shift + > - To increase the font size in
one time
ctrl + [  - increase the font size by
one point
ctrl + ] - decrease the font size by
one point
ctrl + space - remove the paragraph or
character formatting
ctrl + - ( hyphen) - To create a non breaking
ctrl + alt + v. -  To paste in special  type
ctrl + shift + v - To  paste only formatting
ctrl + G. - To open the word who
count in dialogue box
ctrl + N - To open a new document
with the same of current
ctrl + O - To open the  save
ctrl + W - To close the current
ctrl + alt + s - To split the window
ctrl + shift + s - To save in another format
or name
ctrl + S - To save the document
ctrl + shift + c - To remove the document
window split
ctrl + page up - move to dcp trial edit
ctrl + page down - move to next edit location
Ctrl + alt + p - switch to print layout view
Ctrl + alt + o - switch to outline view
Ctrl + alt +N - dcp trial to draft view
ctrl + shift + N - Demote to body text
ctrl + Tab - Insert a Tab character
ctrl + p. - To print a document
ctrl + alt + I. - DC Ptrial in or out of print
ctrl + Home - To Move to the first preview
page when zoomed out.
ctrl + end. - To Move to the last dcp trial
page when zoomed out
ctrl + F - To find the text word and and
ctrl + R - To replace the text
ctrl + alt + y - To repeat the find function
ctrl + H - To specific formatting
ctrl + G - To goto the the pages,
bookmark and anywhere in
ctrl + alt + z - To Switch between the last
four dcp trial that you have
ctrl + alt + m - To insert a comment
ctrl + shift + E - turn To open command
tracking on or off
ctrl + alt +F. - To insert a footnote
ctrl + alt + + - To insert an endnote
ctrl + k - To make and insert a hyperlink
ctrl + backspace - To delete one word from
Ctrl + delete - To delete the word from right
Ctrl + x. - To cut the selected text
Ctrl + z - To undo the last action
Ctrl  + f3 - To cut to the spike
Ctrl +F9 - to field the sheet cell
Ctrl + enter - To break the page
Ctrl + shift  + enter - To break a colour
Alt + ctrl + -(minus sign) - An em dash
Ctrl + - (minus sign) - an en dash
Alt + ctrl + T - The trade mark symbol

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