F5 - Brushes
F6 - Color
F7 - Layers
F8 - Info
File menu
Ctrl + N - To open the new page
Ctrl +O - To open the save file
Ctrl +S. - To save the project
Ctrl + alt + O - To browse in bridge
Ctrl +W - To close the current project
Ctrl +alt + W - To close all the project
Ctrl +shift + W - To close and goto the bridge
Ctrl +shift + S - To save as in another format and
change the name of project
Ctrl + shift + alt + S - To save the project for web
Ctrl + P - To print the project
Ctrl + shift + alt + P - To print the project and one
Ctrl +Q - To exit or Quit to the project
Ctrl + Z - To undo the current action
Ctrl +shift + Z - To step forward on project
Ctrl + alt + Z - To step backward on project
Ctrl + C - To copy the selected part
Ctrl +V - To paste the selected part
Ctrl + X - To cut the selected part
Ctrl +shift + V - To paste the copy part into
selected part
selected part
Ctrl + shift + alt + C - To content aware scale
Ctrl + T - To free transform on the project
Ctrl + shift + T - To transform again the project
Ctrl +shift + K - To color setting on photoshop
Ctrl + K - To preferences
Ctrl + L - To level the project
Ctrl +M - To curves
Ctrl + U - To Change hue / saturation of the
Ctrl + B - To color balance of the project
Ctrl +shift + L - To auto tone on project
Ctrl +shift + B - To change auto color
Ctrl + alt + I - To change the image size
Ctrl +alt + C - To change the canvas size
Ctrl + shift + N - To make the new layer
Ctrl +J - To Copy the layer one by one
Ctrl + Shift + J - To cut the layer one by one
Ctrl +alt + G - To create the clipping mask
Ctrl +G - To make group of the layer
Ctrl + E - To marge the layer to uper layer
Ctrl + shift + E - To marge all the layer
Ctrl +A - To select all
Ctrl +alt + A - To select all the layers
Ctrl + alt + R - To refine the mask
Ctrl +D - To deselect the selected part
Ctrl + shift + D - To reselect the selected part
Ctrl + shift + I - To inverse
Ctrl + Y - To proof of the colors
Ctrl + shift + Y - To gamut warning
Ctrl + + - To zoom In
Ctrl + - - To zoom out
Ctrl +O - To fit on screen
Ctrl +alt + O - To Actual pixel
F - For screen mode
Ctrl + H - To shows the extras
Ctrl + ’ - To show the grid line
Ctrl + ; - To show the guides
Ctrl + R - To show the rulers
Ctrl + Q - To move of the quick mode
Ctrl + [ or ] - To resize the brush size
Shift + [ or ] - To Hardness the of the brush
Click or shift + click - To make a straight brush
D - for default colors
X - To switch the foreground and background color
Tab or shift + Tab - To hide the toolbox and panel
Ctrl + Tab - To move of the images threw cycle
Alt + delete - To flood fill and foreground colors
Ctrl + delete - Ro flood fill and background colors
Ctrl +shift + X - To liquid filter in images or pages
Ctrl + alt + V - To vanishing point
Ctrl +space + drag - To zoom
space + drag - To pan with hand
Ctrl + shift + < or > - To change the font size
Alt + upper arrow and downward arrow - To change the leading
Shift + alt + upper arrow and downward arrow - To shift in baseline
Alt + left and right arrow - To tracking or kerning
Ctrl +shift +L,R,C,J - To set the alignment
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