Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Adobe illustrator shortcuts key


Ctrl +N -  To create a new file
Ctrl +O -  To open the saved file
Alt +F4 - To close the program
Ctrl +C   - To copy
Ctrl + X -  To cut
Ctrl + V -  To paste
Ctrl + shift + S -  To save as in another
Ctrl + P   - To print the file
Ctrl +Z   - To undo the previous action
Ctrl + shift + Z - To redo the previous action
Ctrl + F  - To paste in front
Ctrl + I  - To check the spelling
Ctrl + K - To preference dialog
Ctrl + shift + K  - To change the color setting
Shift + O - To open the art board
Shift + ~ - To open the curvature tools
Shift + B - To open the blob brush tool
Shift + C - To open the anchor point
Shift + T - To open the touch type tool
Shift + N - To open the shaper tool
Shift + R  - To wrap tool
Shift +W  - To width tool
Shift + M -  To use the shape builder
Shift + K -  To use the slice tool
Shift  + E - To use of the eraser tool
Ctrl + H  - To open the document
Ctrl + shift + D - To show the transparency
Ctrl + = -  To zoom in
Ctrl +  - - To Zoom out
Ctrl + ‘ -  To show the grid
Ctrl + A - To select the all content
Ctrl +shift + A - To deselect the all content
Ctrl + 6 - To Reselect the all content
Ctrl +2  - To lock the selected content
Ctrl + alt  + 2 - To unlock the selected
Ctrl +shift + L  - To align the contents in left
Ctrl + shift + R  - To align the contents in Right side
Ctrl + shift + E -  To align the contents in centre
Ctrl + Shift + J - To justify the contents
Ctrl + F9 - To gradient
Ctrl + F10 -  To Stoke
Shift + F5 - To open the graphics style
Shift + F6 - To appearance
Shift + F8 - To transforme
Ctrl + shift + F9 - To path finder
F8 - To create new symbol
Shift + C - To convert the anchor point
Shift + S - To symbol Sprayer
Shift + L - To live paint selection
Ctrl + alt + Q - To reset the tracking
Alt + Enter - To apply the value

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