Sunday, April 7, 2019


MS paint

Ctrl + o                   - To open the saved
Ctrl + N                  - To open the new
                                  sheet for drawing
Ctrl + S                  - To save the open
Ctrl + F+A            - To save as the sheet
                                in other formats
Ctrl + P                  - To print the sheet
Ctrl + Z                  - To undo the previous
Ctrl + Y                 - To Redo the previous
Ctrl + R                 - To repeat the
                                 previous action
Ctrl + Y                 - To copy the selected
Ctrl + V                 - To paste the copied
Ctrl + X                - To cut the selected
Ctrl + A                - To select all the
                               objects or layer
 D                         - To delete the selected
Backspace            - To delete the text
Ctrl + T                - To open the total box
Ctrl + F9              - To increase the page
                               size into large size
Ctrl + F8             -To decrease the page
                             size into normal size

Ctrl + R               - To rotate or flip the
                               selected object
Ctrl + G               - To show the  guide
Ctrl + I                - To invert the all colors
Alt + space + N   - To minimize the ms
Alt + space + X   - To maximize the ms
Alt + space + R   - To restore the browser
Alt + F4.             - To close the ms paint

For more information goto :

Friday, March 22, 2019

MS ACCESS shortcut keys


General shortcut

Ctrl +  N - To Open or create new database
Ctrl + O  - To Open the existing database
Ctrl + P    - To Print the current and
 selected object
Ctrl + S - To Save the  database object
F12  - To Open the Save as  dialog box
Alt + F4  - To Quit and exit to the  Access
Ctrl + F - To Find and replace dialog box
Ctrl + H -  To replace the dialog box
Ctrl + F4   - To find next
Ctrl + x -  To cut
Ctrl + C  - To copy
Ctrl + V  - To paste
Arrow keys  - To move the selected contents
Ctrl + P + S   - To open the page setup of dialog
Ctrl + P + C   - To cancel the print command or
layout preview
F2 - To display the hyperlink
F7 - To check the spelling mistakes
Shift + F2 - To open the zoom box
Shift + F10 - To show the context menu
Alt + enter - To open the display properties
sheet in design view

Shift + F10 - To open the shortcut menu
Alt - To show the access key
Alt + space - To show the program icon menu
Arrow down - To use to select the next
command in menu
Arrow up - To select previous command in
Arrow left and - To select the menu to the left or
right right
Home Tab - To select the first command in
End Tab - To select the last command in
Alt - To close the visible menu or
submenu at the same time
ESC - To close the visible menu only
Dialog box

Ctrl +Tab  - To switch to next tab in dialog
Ctrl + shift + Tab -  To switch to previous tab in
dialog box
Shift + Tab - To switch to previous option or
option group
Tab - To move to the next option or
option group
Arrow keys -  To move between options
Space - To select the current button
Alt + arrow down - To open the selected drop down
list box
ESC - To close  the selected drop
down list box
Enter - To perform the action assigned
to the default button in the
dialog box
ESC - To close the command and close the dialog box
Alt + F4 - To close the dialog box

Text boxes
Home Tab - To move to the beginning of an entry
End Tab -  To move to the end  of an entry
Ctrl + arrow left - To move one word to the left
Ctrl + arrow right - To move one word to the right
Shift + home - To select from the corser to the end
Shift + end  - To select from the corser to the beginning
Shift + arrow left -  To extend the selected one word to the left
Shift + arrow right  - To extend the selected one word to the right
Field list pane
Alt + F8 -  To toggle the field list pane
Arrow up - To move up the field list pane
Arrow down -  To move down the field list pane
Shift + Tab - To move to the upper field list pane from the lower pane
Tab - To move to the lower field list pane from the upper pane.
Text and data

Arrow right - To move cursor to the one character  to the right
Arrow left - To move cursor to the one character  to the left
Ctrl + arrow left - To move the cursor to the one word to the left
Ctrl + arrow right - To move the cursor one word to the right
Home Tab - To move the cursor to the beginning

End Tab -  To move the cursor to the end of the field
Ctrl +delete –  To delete all the character to the right of the insertion point
Ctrl + Z –  to undo the last change  
Ctrl + Y – to redo the last change
Ctrl +; –  To insert the current date
Ctrl + : – TO insert the current time
Ctrl + Alt + space – TO insert the default value for a field
Esc – To cancel or undo changes in the current field or current record
Ctrl + ‘ –  To insert the value from the same field in the previous record
Ctrl +  + – To add a new record
Ctrl + -  – TO delete the current record in a database
Shift + Enter – TO save changes to the current record
Space – To switch between the values in a check box or option button
Ctrl + Enter – To insert  a new line
F7 – TO open the visual basic  editor from a selected property in the property sheet for a form or report
Alt + F8 – To invokes the field list pane in a from , report , or data access page . If the field list pane is already open focus moves to the field list pane
Shift + F7 –  To switch form or report design view ( from visual basic Editor with code module open)
Alt + Enter – TO display a property sheet
Arrow keys – TO move selected control  up /down /left /right along the rigid
Ctrl + arrow keys – To move selected control in any direction by one pixel
Shift +arrow down – To increase hight of the selected control
Shift +arrow up  – To decrease hight of the selected control
Shift +arrow right   – To increase hight width  of the selected control
Shift +arrow left   – To decrease width of the selected control
Data sheet, sub datasheet and form view

F5 – To move the record number box, type in number and press enter
Tab – TO move the next field in current record
Shift +Tab  - TO move to the previous field in current record
Home – TO move to first  field in current record
End – TO move to last field in current record
Arrow down – TO move the next record
Arrow up – To move to previous record
Ctrl +arrow down – TO move to the last record
Ctrl +arrow up – TO move to the first record
Ctrl + home – TO move to first field in first record
Ctrl + end -   TO move to last field in last record
Page down – TO move down the one screen
Page up  – TO move up  the one screen
Ctrl  + Page up  – TO move left  the one screen
Ctrl  + Page down   – TO move right  the one screen
Ctrl + Tab – To exit to next record
Ctrl + shift + Tab –  To exit to the previous record
Ctrl + shift + arrow down  – To expend sub datasheet
Ctrl + shift + arrow up   – To collapse sub datasheet

Data diagram

Esc – To move from a table cell to the table’s title bar
Enter – TO from a table’s title bar to the last cell you edited
Tab – To move table title bar to table title bar ,or from cell to cell inside a table
Alt + arrow down – expand a list inside a table
Arrow down – To move  up in a list
Arrow up -  To move down in a list
Space – To change the setting in a check box
Home – To go to first cell in row
End – TO go to last cell in row
Page down – To go to next page of the diagram
Page up – To go to previous page of the diagram

Query designer  

F6 – TO move forward among the Query designer panes
Shift + F6 – To move backward among the Query designer panes
Tab – To move forward among tables , views functions, or join line.
Shift + Tab – TO move backward among tables, views , functions or join line.
Arrow keys – To move to between columns in a tables, view or function
Space – To choose the selected data column for output
Delete – TO remove the selected table, view function or join line
F2 – In Grid pane : toggle between edit mode and cell selection mode
Insert – TO insert row between existing columns
Pivot table

Tab – TO move to the right
Shift + Tab – To move to the left
Enter – TO move down
Shift + enter – To move up
Ctrl + enter –  To detail cell for next item in row
Ctrl + shift +  enter – To detail cell for previous  item in row
Shift + arrow keys – TO expand selection
Ctrl + A – To select entire pivot table view
Shift + F10 – TO display context menu
Alt + enter – To display property dialog box
Alt + F4  - To close property dialog box
Esc – TO cancel refresh operation in progress
Ctrl + E – To export contents to Excel
Ctrl + 8 – To toggle expand the indicator
Alt + arrow down –  To open list for currently selected item
Ctrl +T –  To toggle the auto filter
Ctrl + shift + A – To sort data ascending (A-z )
Ctrl + shift + Z –  To sort data in descending order  (A-z )
Alt +shift +arrow up – To move selected member up  
 Alt +shift +arrow down  – To move selected member down
Ctrl + L – To display field line pane
Ctrl + shift +s - To add new total field using for sum summary
Ctrl + shift + c – To add new total field using count summary
Ctrl + shift +M – To add new total field using min summary
Ctrl  + Shift  + X – To add new total field using max summary
Ctrl + shift + E – To add new total field using average summary
Ctrl + shift + D – To add new total field using standard deviation summary
Ctrl + shift + T – TO add new total field using standard deviation population
Ctrl + shift + B – To turn subtotals and grand totals on or off for selected field
Ctrl + F  - TO add a calculated detail field
Ctrl + 1 – To move selected field to row area
Ctrl + 2 – To move selected field to column area
Ctrl + 3- To move selected field to filter area
Ctrl + 4 – To move selected field to detail area
Ctrl + arrow left – To move selection up one level
Ctrl + arrow right – To move selection down one level
Ctrl + shift +  ~ – To apply for general number format to values
Ctrl + shift + $ - To apply to currency format to values
Ctrl + shift +% - To apply the percentage format to values
Ctrl + shift + ^ - To apply the exponential number format to values
Ctrl  + shift + # - To apply the data format to values
Ctrl + shift + @ - To apply the time format , with the hour, minute , and AM or PM
                             ,to values in the selected total or detail field
Ctrl + B – make text bold in the selected field of the pivot table view
Ctrl + U – To make text underlined in the selected field of the pivot table view
Ctrl + I – To make text italic in the selected field of the pivot table view

If anyone interested in craft then go my youtube chenal crafty diy

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Adobe illustrator shortcuts key


Ctrl +N -  To create a new file
Ctrl +O -  To open the saved file
Alt +F4 - To close the program
Ctrl +C   - To copy
Ctrl + X -  To cut
Ctrl + V -  To paste
Ctrl + shift + S -  To save as in another
Ctrl + P   - To print the file
Ctrl +Z   - To undo the previous action
Ctrl + shift + Z - To redo the previous action
Ctrl + F  - To paste in front
Ctrl + I  - To check the spelling
Ctrl + K - To preference dialog
Ctrl + shift + K  - To change the color setting
Shift + O - To open the art board
Shift + ~ - To open the curvature tools
Shift + B - To open the blob brush tool
Shift + C - To open the anchor point
Shift + T - To open the touch type tool
Shift + N - To open the shaper tool
Shift + R  - To wrap tool
Shift +W  - To width tool
Shift + M -  To use the shape builder
Shift + K -  To use the slice tool
Shift  + E - To use of the eraser tool
Ctrl + H  - To open the document
Ctrl + shift + D - To show the transparency
Ctrl + = -  To zoom in
Ctrl +  - - To Zoom out
Ctrl + ‘ -  To show the grid
Ctrl + A - To select the all content
Ctrl +shift + A - To deselect the all content
Ctrl + 6 - To Reselect the all content
Ctrl +2  - To lock the selected content
Ctrl + alt  + 2 - To unlock the selected
Ctrl +shift + L  - To align the contents in left
Ctrl + shift + R  - To align the contents in Right side
Ctrl + shift + E -  To align the contents in centre
Ctrl + Shift + J - To justify the contents
Ctrl + F9 - To gradient
Ctrl + F10 -  To Stoke
Shift + F5 - To open the graphics style
Shift + F6 - To appearance
Shift + F8 - To transforme
Ctrl + shift + F9 - To path finder
F8 - To create new symbol
Shift + C - To convert the anchor point
Shift + S - To symbol Sprayer
Shift + L - To live paint selection
Ctrl + alt + Q - To reset the tracking
Alt + Enter - To apply the value

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

adobe photoshop shortcut keys


Window menu panne
F5 - Brushes
F6 - Color
F7 - Layers
F8 - Info  
File menu
Ctrl + N - To open the new page
Ctrl +O  - To open the save file
Ctrl +S.   - To save the project
Ctrl + alt + O -  To browse in bridge
Ctrl +W  - To close the current  project
Ctrl +alt + W  - To close all the project
Ctrl +shift + W  - To close and goto the bridge
Ctrl +shift + S  - To save as in another format and
change the name of project
Ctrl + shift + alt +  S - To save the project for web
Ctrl + P - To print the project
Ctrl + shift + alt + P -  To print the project and one
Ctrl +Q  - To exit or Quit to the project
Ctrl + Z -  To undo the current action
Ctrl +shift + Z  - To step forward on project
Ctrl + alt + Z -  To step backward on project
Ctrl + C -  To copy the selected part
Ctrl +V   - To paste the selected part
Ctrl + X -  To cut the selected part
Ctrl +shift + V  - To paste the copy part into
selected part
Ctrl + shift + alt + C - To content aware scale
Ctrl + T - To free transform on the project
Ctrl + shift + T - To transform again the project
Ctrl +shift + K  - To color setting on photoshop
Ctrl + K - To preferences
Ctrl + L - To level the project
Ctrl +M   - To curves
Ctrl + U -  To Change hue / saturation of the
Ctrl + B -  To color balance of the project
Ctrl +shift + L -  To auto tone on project
Ctrl +shift + B  - To change auto color
Ctrl + alt + I -  To change the image size
Ctrl +alt + C  - To change the canvas size


Ctrl + shift + N -  To make the new layer
Ctrl +J  - To Copy the layer one by one
Ctrl + Shift + J  - To cut the layer one by one
Ctrl +alt + G -  To create the clipping mask
Ctrl +G  - To make group of the layer
Ctrl + E -  To marge the layer to uper layer
Ctrl + shift + E  - To marge all the layer


Ctrl +A  - To select all
Ctrl +alt + A -  To select all the layers
Ctrl + alt + R - To refine the mask
Ctrl +D  - To deselect the selected part
Ctrl + shift + D - To reselect the selected part
Ctrl + shift + I -  To inverse


Ctrl + Y  - To proof of the colors
Ctrl + shift + Y  - To gamut warning
Ctrl + + - To zoom In
Ctrl + - -  To zoom out
Ctrl +O -  To fit on screen
Ctrl +alt + O  - To Actual pixel
F - For screen mode
Ctrl + H -  To shows the extras
Ctrl + ’ - To show the grid line
Ctrl + ;  - To show the guides
Ctrl + R - To show the rulers


Ctrl + Q  - To move of the quick mode
Ctrl + [  or ] - To resize the brush size
Shift + [ or ] - To Hardness the of the brush
Click or shift + click - To make a straight brush
D - for default colors
X - To switch the foreground and background color
Tab or shift + Tab - To hide the toolbox and panel
Ctrl + Tab - To move of the images threw cycle
Alt + delete - To flood fill and foreground colors
Ctrl + delete - Ro flood fill and background colors
Ctrl +shift + X  - To liquid filter in images or pages
Ctrl + alt + V - To  vanishing point
Ctrl +space + drag  - To zoom
space + drag - To pan with hand
Ctrl + shift + <  or > - To change the font size
Alt +  upper arrow and downward arrow - To change the leading
Shift + alt + upper arrow and downward arrow - To shift in baseline
Alt + left and right arrow - To tracking or  kerning

Ctrl +shift +L,R,C,J  - To set the alignment